Welcome to the creative writing submissions manager for the minnesota review: a journal of creative and critical writing. To submit poetry or short fiction, click on the appropriate link below. To submit scholarly critical writing, email editors@theminnesotareview.org.


  • We only consider unpublished work. Please do not submit previously published material, including work published in anthologies, chapbooks, or online.

  • We read creative work August 15-October 15 and January 15-March 15 of each year. Submissions may be uploaded at any time.

  • Simultaneous submissions are permitted. Please notify us immediately if a work is accepted by another publication.

  • Due to the large number of submissions we receive, we must limit submissions to one short story submission (4,000 words maximum) or four flash fiction pieces (1,000 words maximum each) per reading period for fiction and/or five poems per reading period for poetry. We must also place a limit on submission of new work until three months after your last submission (regardless of whether we’ve made a decision on your most recently submitted work). If a work is still under review, you may withdraw it and submit new work, up to the limits already mentioned.

Please submit only one story (4,000 words or less), or up to four short shorts or flash fiction pieces (1,000 words or less each), per reading period. If you are submitting more than one piece, please place them in a single document. Upload as Word document or PDF file please.

Please note: Submissions are read during the Spring Reading Period, January 15 - March 15, 2024.

All types of poetry are reviewed. You may submit three to five poems per reading period; please group them into one document and upload them as a single Word document or PDF file.

Please note: Submissions are read during the Spring Reading Period, January 15 - March 15, 2025. 

the minnesota review